Testimonies continue to come in telling of the lives that the Lord Jesus Christ touched through our recent Crusade in Chalatenango, El Salvador! Please look at the people in the photos to the right from Chalatenango…I wish you could see their faces when they walk forward at our crusades to make their commitment to Jesus Christ. A majority of faces have a reverent, humbled, and “quiet” appearance. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, because Jesus said, “no one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them,” and “when He [the Holy Spirit] comes He will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment” (John 6:44, John 16:8). Perhaps the most fulfilling experience of my work as an evangelist is having the privilege, and the responsibility, to lead groups of people to a simple and clear decision to repent of their sin and to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior! Because of you—our valued ministry partners—our ministry gets to lead people to Jesus Christ all over the world! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
In 1989, the man in the photo below, Guillermo, was an atheist living in El Salvador. He was a bus driver who had been hired by an evangelist to drive people to a stadium to attend a Christian crusade. Sadly, the bus full of Christians did not invite Guillermo to the crusade; however, on the third and final night he decided on his own to go inside the stadium out of curiosity to see what was going on. God spoke clearly to his heart and he went forward to accept Jesus Christ! Years later, in 2001, God called him to be a pastor, and after graduating from seminary in 2005, he pastored his first church. He and his wife Telma, who also has a powerful testimony of healing and recovery from cancer, were primary coordinators for our recent Crusade in Chalatenango, and they organized the bus system that brought thousands of people to the stadium to hear about Jesus—just like the bus that brought Guillermo to hear about Jesus in 1989! Praise God for changed lives! Recent update…Guillermo has joined our ministry team as our second Latin America Crusade Director!
Please join us in prayer for our next Crusade that will take place May 11-14 in Sonaguera, Honduras! Over 70 churches have been praying and preparing for many months to reach their community with the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST! My heart burns to see more souls saved and more lives changed through the power of the Cross & Resurrection of Jesus Christ!
For changing lives!
Over 40 churches throughout the region of Chalatenango, El Salvador gathered to lift up the Name of Jesus in Jose Gregario Martinez Stadium, February 12-13. Personal testimonies were given, and worship music from talented bands shared, such as the police orchestra in the photo. Because of the contributions that we received from our ministry partners, we trained 160 Christians in how to share their faith, and in how to invite non-Christians to the crusade, and in how to be a counselor both at the crusade services and in
the post-crusade follow-up and discipleship! Plus, due to the support that caring and generous Christians donated to our ministry, we were able to rent 60 buses that traveled across the entire region bringing individuals, families, churches, and youth, to hear this message that we preach of a Crucified & Resurrected Son of God—Jesus Christ!
Over 7,300 people heard a clear proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and 230 people registered a public decision for Christ…188 people repented and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord, and 42 Christians rededicated their lives! People responded to the Gospel message like the girl in the top photo did when both she and her sister came to Christ! After the service I asked her why she came forward and she said, “I felt a ‘draw’ to the Message, so I walked forward to accept Jesus as my Savior!” The parents were there watching as both sisters responded to Christ.
Years ago the man in the wheelchair, Victor, was an alcoholic whose wife left him due to his drinking. He had a work accident that broke his back and left him paralyzed. In the aftermath of that tragedy he gave his life to Jesus Christ! Soon after, his wife returned and they had a family. Victor is now a leader in his church, and he was a counselor and an organizer in the crusade!
My El Salvadoran interpreter, Pastor Rene Rosales, (pictured with me in the photo below) and I discovered that we share a unique thing in common. Both of us were sexually abused as little boys. Rene was 8 years old and I was 11, and we both needed years of recovery to heal from the trauma. Rene, now 64, didn’t marry until later in life at age 51. This was an encouragement to me as I am still single at age 49. What a joy and privilege it was for me to share with everyone who attended the crusade how both Rene and I went from abused boys to evangelists for the Most High God…to tell of the hope for wholeness that Jesus Christ offers to those of us who have been broken! It was glorious!
Your support and prayers made all of this happen—Thank You!
For the Glory of God!
We are praying, and hoping, and working, to fill the stadium below with men, women, youth, and children, who desperately need to hear about—and who desperately need to respond to—Jesus Christ!
Dozens of churches throughout Chalatenango, El Salvador have united together to reach their region with the Good News of Jesus Christ, February 12-13, 2015! With a regional population over 200,000 people, this event in Chalatenango will be the broadest, and the deepest, opportunity our ministry has had to impact lives with The Message of the Cross! The crusade will be conducted at Jose Gregario Martinez Stadium, which has a capacity of 30,000 people (15,000 seating and 15,000 on the field). This soccer stadium (which was provided to us for no charge by the local authorities) has purple seats, and because of its unique shape it is called “El Sombrero/The Hat.” Hundreds of Christians from the involved local churches have been mobilized by our crusade director, and they are excited to be PRAYING & INVITING & BRINGING their family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers to come and join us at “The Purple Sombrero” to hear from God’s Word of His loving plan for each of our lives (sample poster/flyer on the right)!
Because of the support we receive from Christians like you, our ministry will be renting dozens of public transportation buses that will travel throughout the entire region of Chalatenango to bring people to the crusade (like the children in the bus windows below). On average, it will cost o ur ministry $125 per bus, with each bus holding around 50 people, which means it will cost approximately $2.50 to bring one person to and from the crusade to hear the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
The lives of many people are going to be changed forever, and the souls of many people are going to be saved forever!
Thank you for your partnership in REACHING, WINNING, & TRAINING people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
For El Salvador,
WELCOME TO 2016! What great news we have to tell you as we begin a New Year of proclaiming the GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST to the nations of our world!
The photos above are of people whose lives were changed by the Lord last year through our ministry. Our goal this year is to keep going out with the Gospel and see more lives changed, just like those in the pictures! These individuals are not just “numbers” or faceless souls lost in the masses of a “crusade” crowd, but rather they are living, breathing individual people who made life-changing, and eternity-changing, decisions…these people met Jesus and they were changed!
I would like to point out the young man in the photo on the left, Josh, age 26, who gave his life to Jesus Christ last year at one of our events and then, tragically, he was killed 27 days later in a motorcycle accident. JOSH IS NOW IN HEAVEN! This should shake us up, and strike us deeply, with the blunt reality of the brevity and the unpredictability of life, and of the absolute urgency and importance of reaching people NOW with the Gospel of Jesus Christ—before it is too late!
Only by the grace and power of God I am able to tell you that this year—God willing—we will conduct strategic, regionwide, evangelistic Crusades in the most populated areas that we have been to. A New Year of ministry begins for us next month in Chalatenango, El Salvador, February 12-13! It is there we have the privilege, and the joy, of carrying on this soul-saving, and life-changing, work of proclaiming The Message of the Cross to as many people as we can! Please, pray for more lives to be changed through our events, and pray for our team as we prepare final logistics for this upcoming Crusade. I will share more details with you soon!
It is your love, care, prayers, and support that are helping our ministry to see lives impacted around the globe with the wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ! Thank you for helping us to begin another year of world ministry, which, by the grace of God, will be my 26th year as an evangelist.
To another year of winning souls,
MERRY CHRISTMAS! What a joy it is to share with you all that God did through our ministry this year, and to say THANK YOU for making it all possible through your support and prayers! This year we had several “firsts” take place in our ministry!
In April we conducted our first Stadium Crusade in La Paz, Honduras! Over 20,000 people attended this event, and over 800 people made a public decision to follow Jesus Christ (like the young girl in the photo to the left, who was getting post-decision follow-up from one of the Counselors we trained).
In August, we published our first book, the biography of my life and ministry—God’s Paperboy. If you would like to purchase copies that can be given as Christmas presents, they can be found on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle e-book.
In September, we conducted our first crusade in the United States in Hobbs, NM. The Lord brought cleansing, purifying, & refining, to the involved local churches—and to our ministry—and 94 people made a decision for Jesus Christ, of which 29 were for first-time salvations!
Our year of Crusade ministry concluded last month in Santa Rosa, Honduras, November 4-7. God moved in life-changing power, and a crowd of approximately 12,000 people came from throughout the region to hear about Jesus Christ! We saw 550 men, women, and youth, make commitments to Jesus Christ, such as the woman on the right in the photo below.
In total for 2015, our ministry saw over 1,800 people make a decision for Jesus Christ! Plus, we trained 260 Christians for ministry service (such as the Counselors in the photos) through our pre- and post-crusade personal evangelism, counseling, and follow-up system. And, we distributed 20,000 evangelism tracts through our events. Praise God for all He did!
Next year—2016—we will be in the largest metropolitan areas that we have ever been to! We will be conducting Stadium Crusades in countries such as El Salvador and Costa Rica! Please, help us to reach people next year with a special end-of-the-year Christmas gift! For your convenience, our website makes it safe & easy so that you can give a gift ONLINE. Plus, you can give a tax-benefit gift of stock, or securities, or property, through our fund with the National Christian Foundation of Houston. And, a generous year-end gift sent to our office would be appreciated!
THANK YOU for helping us to Reach, Win, & Train, more lives than ever before with the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST in 2016!
Merry Christmas,