Born February 5‚ 1967 in Moberly‚ Missouri‚ Scott Nute was always involved in sports as a boy‚ especially baseball. In 1985, during his senior year of high school in Las Cruces, New Mexico‚ he led the State of New Mexico high school pitchers in strikeouts, and broke his high school’s 19-yr single season record for strikeouts. This record still stands today.
While attending college at New Mexico Highlands University and New Mexico State University (NMSU), Scott accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior at the age of 19. After playing four years of collegiate baseball, he toured with Athletes in Action, a Christian sports ministry. During this tour‚ while his team was playing exhibition games in Honduras‚ Scott signed a professional baseball contract with the Detroit Tigers. After a successful rookie year of minor league baseball‚ Scott attended his first professional spring training; however, due to an injury to his pitching shoulder‚ Scott was released from his contract and his baseball career came to an end. Today Scott’s unique baseball background is used in his ministry as a platform to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
After retiring from baseball, Scott returned to NMSU to study Physical Education, and he also became the janitor at the NMSU Baptist Student Union (BSU-Christian Challenge). It was at the BSU in 1990 when God called Scott to be a vocational evangelist.
Over the past 29 years as an evangelist, Scott traveled to countries throughout the world preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ! From mud churches in Kenya, to open fields in India, to auditoriums in the Philippines, to stadiums in Latin America, Scott preached The Message of the Cross across the globe. Through region-wide evangelistic events, public school programs, church events, baseball camps, and other outreach projects, countless thousands of people have made public decisions to follow Jesus Christ through Scott’s ministry. And, through various training events, thousands of church leaders and ministry-minded Christians have been better equipped for personal evangelism and overall Great Commission ministry service. In addition, Scott’s ministry has LIFE TEAMS in several countries. These outreach teams take the Gospel to villages, tribes, and other rural areas of the world, using video technology to communicate the Gospel. LIFE TEAMS also provide resources such as Bibles, salvation tracts, and food, to people who live in some of the poorest areas of the world.
Scott’s ministry purpose is three-fold: 1) to work with the Body of Christ globally, uniting evangelical denominations to reach out and win non-Christians to Jesus Christ through mobilized evangelistic events; 2) to encourage, challenge, and help equip Christians to fulfill their particular roles in the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations; and 3) through his personal recovery from the trauma of childhood sexual abuse, Scott’s ministry offers hope, encouragement, and next steps to wholeness for those with Wounded Heart life issues, such as depression, grief, addictions, divorce, sexual abuse, trauma recovery, and other life issues that many of us experience.
Scott Nute is an ordained Southern Baptist Minister. Scott is single and lives in Houston, Texas where he is a member of Houston’s First Baptist Church.