I had just about everything a young man would want…friends, good health, girls, free education, playing collegiate baseball, a vehicle, spending money, etc. Yet, in the midst of all this, something was missing in my life. I looked to these “things” to fill this emptiness. But, these things they didn’t meet the deepest needs in my life. Whether it lasted a night or a week, the temporary so-called satisfaction from these “things” would fade, leaving me emptier than before. In the mid 1980’s when I was in high school, my mom accepted Jesus and began telling me about Him! This was strange hearing my mom talk about Jesus! I wasn’t open to Jesus Christ at that time. But, I do know hearing about Him did something to me I couldn’t explain. When I went away to college my mom gave me a Bible and some Christian literature. Then, when I was a sophomore in college at Highlands University in Las Vegas, NM, two men came to our dormitory to share Jesus Christ. Back then I thought “religion” was irrelevant to my life so I sent these men away, unwilling to listen to them tell about Jesus. The emptiness in my life continued! A few weeks later those men came to my dormitory room again. This time though, I let them talk to me, and they basically said the same things about Jesus that my mom had shared with me a year or two before! My mom planted huge seeds about Jesus into my heart, and those two Christian men watered the seeds my mom planted! For the first time in my life I knew that I needed to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord! It became totally clear to me that if I wanted to have the emptiness in my life filled, and have the guilt of my sin forgiven, and have the fear of death and hell removed, that I needed to accept Jesus! Similar to the Bible and the Christian literature my mom gave me, those two Christian men left a salvation booklet tract with me that said the following:
A few days went by. One night I re-read the booklet those two men gave me. Then I deliberately chose to apply what the booklet said. I received Jesus Christ that night as my Savior and Lord! I was even under the influence of alcohol when I was “born again.” Yet, it was real. I woke up the next day with a slight hangover, but I knew something was different. What a journey it has been since then!
Perhaps you, at this very moment, are sensing the same emptiness and fears I had back then. If so, would you like to find out who you really are and enter God’s plan for your life? This can happen right now if you will, by faith, open your life to Jesus Christ. He will enter your heart, remove the weight of sin on your conscience, fill the emptiness, and give you 100% confidence that you will go to heaven, not hell, when you die. This is what a person must do to know Jesus Christ in a personal relationship. But, you have to truly mean this not just in your mind and emotions, but deep down in your will. If you really mean it, here is how you too can accept Jesus Christ:
Are you willing by faith to repent, receive Jesus Christ, and follow Him? If you sincerely are ready to know God and make sure you will go to heaven when you die, the following are some sample words you can pray to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
“Heavenly Father, I come to the cross. By faith I repent and turn from my sins and ask Your forgiveness. I receive you, Jesus Christ, as my Savior and Lord, surrendering my entire life to you. Come into my heart and fill me with your Holy Spirit, as I commit my life to You…to love You, follow You, serve You, and be a witness for You. In Jesus name, Amen.”
If you prayed that prayer and really meant it, Jesus Christ just went into your heart! He lives in you now, forever! Congratulations! This is just the beginning. We want to hear from you so please e-mail us at: info@scottnute.org
Now, please go to the “Next Steps for New Christians” link under the Spiritual Growth section and begin applying the next steps today!