The Lands of Deserts & Typhoons

The-Lands-of-Deserts-&-Typhoons-1In our ministry of Reaching, Winning, & Training people around the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ, there is always the anticipation of where God will send me next. Soon, I will be in the land of deserts in Logan, New Mexico, a town of 900 people. From there, I will travel to the land of typhoons in Manila, Philippines, a metro city of over 12,000,000 people. Though these two places are complete opposites, the goal is the same—win souls to Jesus Christ!

For the first time in many years I will be conducting an event inside of an American church! October 16-19, we will have a “Harvest Festival” in First Baptist Church of Logan, NM (my home state)! Plus, I will be speaking in the local public schools, talking to the students on issues like drugs & alcohol, peer pressure, and such things. I cannot share about Christianity in the schools, but we will invite the students and teachers to the event.

Then, November 7-13, I will be conducting FIVE Community Crusades in Manila, Philippines! These community crusades are local church evangelistic events, which are smaller versions of our larger outdoor crusades. These events will be done as preliminary phases of the larger, outdoor Regionwide Crusade we plan to conduct next year in the same area. These two phases enable us to have a greater impact in a region for Jesus Christ! In tandem with each Community Crusade, we will be conducting outreach School Programs (like the one in the photo below) where I have the freedom to preach Jesus Christ! These school programs are tremendous opportunities to reach masses of youth with the Gospel!

In between these events, I will travel to Dallas, TX, to attend the Luis Palau “Next Generation Alliance (NGA)” Conference for vocational evangelists, November 3. This will be a time for traveling evangelists to get together for fellowship, encouragement, and networking.

Find our ministry on social media for daily photos, posts, and updates! We are on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Vimeo, and YouTube. Find us, friend us, and invite your social media friends to our pages!

The-Lands-of-Deserts-&-Typhoons-2Below is my upcoming schedule. Please pray for lives to be changed through these events!

  • October 15-20—LOGAN, NM, USA—Harvest Festival, and Public School Assembly Programs
  • November 3—DALLAS, TX, USA—Luis Palau “Next Generation Alliance (NGA)” Conference for Vocational Evangelists
  • November 7-13—MANILA, PHILIPPINES—Five Community Crusades, and six Outreach School Programs

Thank you for your prayers & donations to our ministry! I could not do this ministry without you!

Into the world,


Scott Nute

Scott Nute August 31, 2016 Filed in Newsletter No Responses

Pakistan Web—SNGM website now in 103 languages

A Bible verse that is relevant to our current time in history says, “the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world” (Colossians 1:6).  Let me share a testimony with you:

103-01In June 2015, a man emailed our office from Pakistan (we will call him “Bob”). Bob was not a Christian, and he was curious about Christianity. So, he found our website on the internet (our website is available on the least amount of search-engines, so it is amazing he even found our site). Bob, who writes in good English, asked some questions and I emailed him back with the answers, and I also gave him more information on our website. Weeks later, Bob wrote again, and he told me he had accepted Jesus Christ through the “Know Jesus” page on our website! I congratulated Bob and gave him the spiritual growth information on our website. Like a sponge, Bob began to grow spiritually, and he found a way to buy a Bible, which in his country is a dangerous thing to do. Weeks later, Bob wrote again, and he said that he had led his wife to Christ, and I shared his excitement! A few days ago, Bob emailed his most recent update, and he shared that they have now led 3 men and 2 women to Christ! Glory to God for modern technology!

103-02Our ministry is taking advantage of modern technology to REACH, WIN, & TRAIN as many people across the world as possible for Jesus Christ! Last month, we added the Google World Translator to our website that immediately translates our site into 103 languages, of which one is the Pakistani language, Urdu. So, we can now help “Bob” and these new Pakistani believers (and people like them in other closed countries) in a broader way! God is using modern technology across the entire world to accelerate the completion of global evangelization and to bring about the end of this world as we know it!

To add to our use of technology to build the Kingdom of God, some people suggested I start a blog. So, my first blog, “Open the Hydrant,” is now available on our website. Our new translator makes the blog available in dozens of languages. Feel free to read it, and respond, and forward it to others if you feel they would be blessed by it.

We are currently planning evangelistic outreach & training events in the Philippines, El Salvador, Brazil, and other places. Please join us in prayer for the preparations; and, most importantly, pray with us that people’s lives will be transformed by meeting and following Jesus Christ!

Till the end,

Scott Nute

Scott Nute August 1, 2016 Filed in Newsletter No Responses

Strength in Numbers

“STRENGTH IN NUMBERS!” This saying is a Biblical principle found in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!”

strength01strength02I am very grateful to God for the team He has brought together in our ministry! As an old baseball player, I appreciate, and realize, the importance of each team member being fully focused on his or her individual role, while at the same time understanding that individual roles are for the greater good of the team. The first person we added to our Latin America team was Victor Almendarez (in photo on the left with me). Pastor Victor was the key person God used as the “door” to open up the Spanish-speaking world to our ministry. He is a pastor in Gracias, Honduras, and has a wife, Virgilia, and five children. Victor has now organized 5 crusades for our ministry and as a result, to this point, over 3,300 people have made life-changing decisions for Christ! Also, Victor has trained 370 Christians for ministry service during the advance mobilization for our events. In addition to being a pastor and a director for our crusades, over the past 16 years Victor has helped plant 36 churches (one in a prison) in numerous villages and mountains in Western Honduras (in photo above Victor is baptizing people in the river for one of his mountain churches). Your support enabled our ministry to give a portable sound system to Victor’s ministry, which is used in various ways, such as sharing the Gospel at youth outreaches (photo to right). Plus, we have given over 15,000 salvation tracts in Spanish that they use all the time, like in medical mission clinics (photo bottom right, tracts being read by visitors waiting to see a doctor at a medical clinic). Praise the Lord for our dedicated team members…because of your support, our ministry is continually able “to equip the saints for works of ministry.”

strength03Please join us in prayer for the continued follow-up, church connection, and discipleship of the 1,097 people who decided for Christ (such as the young mom with her baby girl to the left) at our recent Crusade & School Program project in Sonaguera, Honduras, May 25-28. Pray for God to raise them up into “normal” New Testament Christians who actually share their faith verbally with other people, and who are willing to leave their routine and their comfort and their security for the sake of the cross!

We would appreciate it if you would pray for our team as we continue preparations for upcoming events. And, please pray for me as decisions are made in regard to where to go for future ministry opportunities. Best wishes!

In His strength,

Scott Nute

Scott Nute June 28, 2016 Filed in Newsletter No Responses

Over 1,000 Hondurans turn to Christ!

1000-Hondurans-01Yesterday—May 29th—we returned from Sonaguera, Honduras! The Regionwide Crusade we conducted May 25-28 had a broad-reaching impact! Located near the North coast with a population of 40,000 people, Sonaguera is a “subculture” within Honduras and has various forms of religious and cultural idolatry blended into their society. At the conclusion of the crusade and school programs, the local crusade chairman said, “this is the first time the churches in our area have conducted an event of this magnitude, and the event had a tremendous impact in our community. I had people come to me at the conclusion of the crusade and say, ‘I am not a Christian yet, but I would like to go to your church to hear more about it.’”

1000-Hondurans-02Over 3,000 people gathered in a soccer field to listen to what the Bible says about life and death. When the GOOD NEWS was proclaimed and an opportunity was presented to the crowds of people to respond, 125 men, women, youth, and children decided to accept, and to begin following, Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! Those who made decisions for Christ were joined by Counselors who had been trained weeks in advance by our Honduran Crusade Director, Pastor Victor Almendarez (right top photo). After the people made the greatest decision of their lives—to say yes to Jesus Christ—the Counselors (right bottom photo) began the follow-up of each person by getting their personal contact information and connecting them to a local church.

In tandem with the Crusade, our partner Honduran evangelist, Frank Salazar (2nd photo above), and our team member, Pastor Mike McGuire (photo on right), spoke in local public schools and universities. Accompanied by local pastors, Frank and Mike talked to the students about life issues they face, such as education and peer pressure and drugs and alcohol. Then, they used the Bible to show the students how God can be the most important part of their lives. Together, Frank and Mike led 972 students to repent of their personal sin and by faith turn to Jesus Christ! Some of these students then attended the Crusade and brought family and friends with them.

One of the things I am really looking forward to in Heaven is being able to introduce you personally to all of the people you have helped this ministry lead to Jesus Christ (1,097 individuals came to Christ in this project alone)! All of these people in other countries who make commitments to Christ through our events are real people with real souls. In Heaven, when you meet them face-to-face, you will then realize—FOR ALL ETERNITY—just how much of a changing impact your support made in their lives and in their eternities! Thank you for uniting with us in the eternal cause of Christ!

For The Kingdom,

Scott Nute

Scott Nute June 6, 2016 Filed in Newsletter No Responses

Return to Honduras

What a crucial time in history to be involved in global evangelism! Having dedicated Christians like you praying for us and sending us out to the nations with the Good News of Jesus Christ is a strong motivation and comfort…and we are ready to go out again!

honduras001Our team has been praying and preparing for several months for our upcoming Regionwide Crusade in Honduras! This will be the fourth crusade we have done in their country over the past two years. So far, by the grace and power of God, we have seen over 2,300 Hondurans turn to Jesus Christ! Our ministry is strategic in where we go for our events, and we select areas where very few, if any, strong evangelistic events have been conducted in the past several years, or even decades. Our strategy is to select semi-rural regions where several small towns and villages are within a 60-mile radius. We then mobilize dozens of local churches in the targeted region in pre-crusade personal evangelism, and in post-crusade church connection and follow-up for every person who makes a commitment to Jesus Christ. The crusade is conducted in a centrally located venue, such as a soccer stadium or open field. And, a simple, yet highly significant, part of our strategy is that we rent dozens of public buses and vans that travel throughout the entire region to bring both Christians and the people that the Christians have invited and brought with them to hear the Gospel. Christians bringing the lost to hear about Jesus is a Biblical strategy we use that is taken from John 1:42 where: “Andrew brought him [his brother Peter] to Jesus.”

This crusade will be in Sonaguera, Honduras, May 27-28. Over 70 churches have united together to take the Good News of Jesus Christ to their entire region of 300,000 people! We are believing & planning & hoping to see—God willing—hundreds of individuals make life-changing decisions to follow Jesus Christ, just like the young man holding his son did (in photo below) in our El Salvador Crusade a few weeks ago.

A friend from the United States, Mike McGuire, will join our team for this crusade. Mike is a bi-vocational and bilingual pastor in Hobbs, NM, and he raised support to cover his expenses for this trip. He will be sharing the Gospel in high school and university outreaches, and counseling at the crusade. Pray for the Lord to use Mike as he shares the Good News in Honduras!

honduras002We need $14,000 to cover the budget for our upcoming Crusade in Honduras, which covers expenses for things such as training and follow-up materials, promotions, stage and sound, and the most vital…renting public transport ($2.50 per person, $150 per bus) to bring lost and hurting people to the event to hear about Jesus! I am asking for your financial help, please! We are using a new company that has waived the customary 3% transaction fee on credit and debit cards for the first $50,000 donated to our ministry. So…100% of your Mobile or Online gift will go to help us win people to Christ! You can donate on your Mobile by texting GIVE to 832-271-3353. Or, you can give Online at Your special gift can be designated to “Honduras Crusade.” Thank you!

In His service,

Scott Nute

Scott Nute May 6, 2016 Filed in Newsletter No Responses