Jesus Christ said,
“The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out laborers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38).
One way our ministry is obeying this command from our Lord Jesus Christ to “send out laborers into His harvest field” is through our LIFE TEAMS. The word “life” comes from John 10:10 where Jesus said, “I have come that they may have LIFE!” Our LIFE TEAMS are led by dedicated Christian leaders in third-world countries such as Pakistan, India, the Philippines, Peru, Kenya, and others, that we have partnered with to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible in their nations, and to train Christians for ministry service by making disciples!
In areas of the world called the “10/40 Window,” there are millions of people scattered throughout villages, towns, cities, and people groups who are ready to turn to Jesus Christ; however, they have not yet heard a clear presentation of the Gospel and they have not yet been given a clear invitation to repent of their sin and by faith, through grace, accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior! So, here is how our LIFE TEAMS will Reach, Win, Train, & Feed people for Jesus Christ in their areas of the world:
As we are able, our ministry will provide a portable “LIFE TEAM KIT” (either full or partial kits, according to what is needed) to Christian leaders around the 10/40 Window that we trust and have instructed. As seen in the sample photos on the right, to each LIFE TEAM we will provide, via purchase or rental (pending availability and cost of equipment in the local area), a television (like the TV in the top photo being used by our LIFE TEAM in Pakistan), a screen, a sound system, a projector, a generator, and evangelism tracts and Bibles in the local languages. AND, through our LIFE TEAMS, we also provide basic foods, such as bags of rice to hungry people who live in villages, and slums, and other impoverished areas of our world.
Our LIFE TEAMS work with local churches in their region (if local churches don’t exist they will start a church/home group) to organize strategic evangelistic events, as well as discipleship and training meetings. These events will be held in local churches or outdoors. For some reason in these areas of the world, foreign preachers, especially Americans, typically draw attention and attendance from people that is far beyond what the local church leaders would draw. So, to take advantage of this, we provide a video from American Evangelist Scott Nute where he shares this simple message—THE CROSS—and he clearly communicates the Gospel of Jesus Christ, giving a clear invitation for listeners to repent from their sin and by faith receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
This video can be translated live into their native language because Scott allows seconds of silent space after his sentences. This space allows for live translation by the national interpreter…as if Scott were sharing the Gospel live at one of his international crusades. Those who commit to Christ will be followed up with by the churches and/or Christians hosting the event, and, as we are able, the new Christians will be given Bibles in their language. Also, we will give each person who attends the event salvation tracts in their local language. Each of our LIFE TEAMS send regular reports, and testimonies, and photos, to our office (that we will share with you as our partners) telling of the lives impacted through these events.
Help us send our LIFE TEAMS out into God’s harvest field! You can “adopt” a LIFE TEAM today! Your support will help us purchase the needed equipment kit and cover team expenses, along with a modest “love gift” for their work. You can give special designated gifts on our website here, and select “LIFE TEAMS” in the designation selection box. Thank you for sending more laborers out into God’s global harvest field!