When God opens a door, it is open and it cannot be closed! I am happy to share with you that the “door” for our E-Video Team ministry has opened even wider, and our 6th team was added to our growing international video outreach & training ministry! “The gate to the nations is broken, and its doors have swung open to me,” Ezekiel 26:2. God gave me this verse as final confirmation to restart my ministry in May 2011, and this verse is happening in ways I never, ever, imagined!
Our Pakistan E-Video Team leader, “Mike,” who came to know Jesus a few years ago through our website, was visiting a bookshop months ago to purchase Bibles. While there, he met a Pakistani evangelist we will call “Norman.” As they got to know each other and felt it was “safe” to discuss Christian ministry, Mike told Norman about our video ministry, and how God is using it to both win and train Pakistani people with the Gospel. The result: we added our 2nd E-Video Team in Pakistan led by Norman! Because of the generous support you give to our ministry, we were able to provide Norman with resources to show our video, such as a TV, and salvation tracts, and Bibles, and rice (top photo, people eatin
g the Indian rice we gave to them called “Biryani”)! Here is what Norman (in 2nd photo with wife and kids) said after his first video event as a partner in our ministry, “I am amazed to see that 14 people came to accept Jesus, and I never saw this in my previous work that large number of people came to Jesus.” Two weeks later, Norman met with 11 of these new Christians (3rd photo) to assist in their discipleship, and he said about these new believers, “It is their first experience they found happiness inside!”
Our E-Video Team in India conducted video & food events in 4 villages the past month. The gratitude they express for the equipment and resources our ministry provides to them is real! In the 4th photo notice the joy in their faces as they are in their van on their way to another village to share the Gospel (a box of our salvation tracts are on top of the van). They saw 40 people accept Jesus Christ this month, fed dozens of people with rice, and distributed Bibles to new believers (bottom photo shows women who recently turned to Christ receiving their new Bibles).
Our Event Director in the Philippines, Pastor Lourdman Cabuenos, began 2 months ago mobilizing & training close to 200 churches for our February 2018 Crusade in the capital city of the Philippines—Manila! This looks to be the largest and most extensive evangelistic & training event we have ever done! By the time the crusade happens, over 8,000 local church members will be trained in personal evangelism and follow-up ministry! And, up to 500 Christians will be trained to be Counselors at the crusade and in the follow-up efforts.
You & I are involved in THE MOST IMPORTANT PURPOSE to ever exist in world history…evangelizing and winning people to Jesus Christ! Nothing you and I do in our lives will EVER come close to having more eternal significance than leading people to Jesus Christ! Thank you for teaming with, and for believing in, this ministry! Together, we are getting it done!
Till He comes…we go,
Scott Nute
Exciting reports from across the globe! Let me start with our recent Peru project: August 7th-13th we were in Iquitos, Peru, where we preached the Gospel at 5 Community Crusades, and in 2 private school outreach programs on Drug Awareness (public schools closed due to a spontaneous teachers strike). At our Pastors’ Conference there were 22 church leaders and we shared messages on systematic theology and personal evangelism, and we provided ministry resources to these leaders. In addition, we took the Gospel to tribes who live on the Amazon River (top photo). God moved everywhere we went, and 195 Peruvians turned to Jesus Christ!
God has blessed our new E-Video Team ministry! So far this year, our teams have seen 1,133 people make decisions to follow Jesus Christ! Our E-Teams work with local churches (if any are present) to reach the lost, the hungry, and the poor in slums and villages throughout third-world countries! Along with sharing the love of Jesus Christ, our teams also share basic food like rice (photo right, 200 lb of rice that our India Team distributed to villages of Indian people) to those who attend the events; plus, we also share salvation tracts and, as we are able, Bibles. Here are reports from some recent E-Team Video Events:
INDIA: Our India leader, “Bob,” conducted E-Video Events in numerous Indian villages. Our team gave rice portions and tracts to everyone who came to listen to our video message—The Cross! So far this year, 122 people have received Jesus Christ in these villages! One testimony is from the woman in the third photo, who is blind, holding the bag of rice we gave to her. Bob said, “she is a blind lady…she heard with her ears and accepted Jesus as her personal Savior!” Bob is busy now with the follow-up and giving Bibles to new Christians, and he is preparing future E-Events in more Indian villages!
NEPAL: Our Nepal leader, “Rusty,” conducted our E-Video Events in local Nepalese churches (there are 83 churches in Rusty’s region alone where we plan to conduct video events). Our team gave salvation tracts and snacks to everyone who came to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ! In the 4th photo below, Rusty and his wife pray over 2 ladies they led to Christ during the video event follow-up!
PAKISTAN: Our Pakistan leader, “Mike,” provided snacks and juice to those who attended our E-Events, which are conducted in secret due to the radical Islam in Pakistan. Mike has seen 62 people commit to Christ this year! He regularly meets with the new Christians to teach them the Bible and provide study resources (bottom photo). So far, we have given 50 Bibles to new Pakistani Christians in their language, Urdu, and we plan to purchase and give more!
My home church, Houston’s First Baptist Church, has donated an $11,250 Challenge Gift to our ministry with this challenge to our donors and friends…to not just meet, but to double, their gift! Meeting this challenge will provide $33,750 to our ministry, and will greatly help us develop our E-Event Video Teams ministry…enabling them to continue sharing the Gospel, and giving food, Bibles, and resources, to people living in the most desperate conditions in the world! Meeting this challenge will also help us continue our evangelistic crusade events, church ministry training, drug awareness school programs, Bible & tract distribution, and free transportation to people who attend our crusades. Will you please help us meet this challenge gift? Your special donation can be designated to “Houston’s First Baptist Challenge Gift.” Thank you for your help!
Scott Nute