Police Cadets follow Jesus

 What a glorious sight it was—one I will remember forever—the stadium had thousands of people in the stands, and hundreds more on the field, who had come to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ (photo below)! God brought over 20,000 people to hear the message of THE CROSS during our Regionwide Stadium Crusade in La Paz, Honduras, April 17-18th! Because of the generous support we received from you, our ministry friends, we were able to rent 150 buses and trucks! These vehicles traveled throughout a 50-mile radius, bringing people to the crusade from across the entire region. The stadium was located in a rural area and had no lights or electricity (which can leave photos dark and spotty), so we brought in a generator and lights. Our crusade team and the local churches did a tremendous job organizing this event!

Police Cadets follow Jesus1Without a doubt, many lives were changed! Here is one of the stories we received: a police training academy containing 1,000 police cadets was in the region. A woman involved in the crusade mobilization, who had a connection to the academy, worked with the crusade committee in sending buses to bring cadets who were interested in attending the crusade. Over 400 police cadets came to the crusade and over 40 made a public commitment to Christ! The photo below shows one of the cadets, who also served as security during the crusade, talking with, and giving his contact information to, one of the crusade counselors/ushers. These counselors (which they called “ushers” for this particular crusade) were trained in advance by our Latin Crusade Director, Pastor Victor Almendarez. The ushers came forward at the public invitation to talk with, and to fill out “Decision Cards” for, every person who made a decision for Jesus Christ…hundreds of people repented and accepted Jesus Christ for salvation and also hundreds of Christians made rededications!

 In total, we saw over 800 people make a public decision for Jesus Christ during the crusade! The local churches who were involved in the crusade preparations, which began last fall, have now begun the follow-up and spiritual nurturing of every person who made a decision to follow Jesus. Please, say a prayer for the Holy Spirit to work in, and to empower, and to transform from the inside out, these new Christians and the Christians who made rededications to Christ! 

Police Cadets follow Jesus2As I shared recently, this was a dream of mine I have had for the past 25 years that has now come true…to conduct a stadium crusade! This was our first, and God willing, not our last, stadium crusade. What a joy it has been to be able to share this special experience with you, our loving and faithful ministry partners! The Lord used US—you and our ministry team—and when we are all together in Heaven it is going to be awesome to see all that God did through us…together we are making an eternal difference! Thank you for your caring prayers and your financial support!

Eternally yours,

Scott Nute

Scott Nute April 28, 2015 Filed in Newsletter No Responses